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Read book Jamie Smart - The Little Book of Clarity : A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind in DOC, TXT

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Imagine what you could achieve if you could only clear your mind "The Little Book of Clarity" shows you how to clear your head and get things done. Based on bestselling book, "Clarity," this new edition has been distilled to the essentials, getting right to the point. With no vague theory or superfluous anecdotes, this book gets you right to work reducing stress and boosting productivity by uncovering your mind's in-built "self-clearing" capacity. As you begin to understand the concept of innate thinking, the benefits will start emerging in every corner of your life. As you think less, you'll win more -- at work, at home, and at the game of life as a whole. You'll rid your mind of clutter for good as you focus on what matters, and finally free up the time you need to pursue your dreams. Life's constant bombardment of "to-do" and "urgent" pushes your own priorities clear off the radar. Before you know it, you're always busy, but not getting very much accomplished. Personal goals fall by the wayside as you struggle just to keep up with day-to-day life. This book shows you how to cut the noise and clear the fog, and start working on what matters to you. Harness the power of insight and principles Discover your true identity and innate wisdom Build better relationships and stronger connections Discard toxic goals and pursue authentic desires Clarity is the mind's natural state, a state to which it will always return if given the chance. Although it's evident in children, most adults have had this ability conditioned out of them by our "go-go-go" society, leaving them mentally muddy, stressed, and ineffectual. "The Little Book of Clarity" helps you erase that conditioning and gain the peace of mind to live a life you love -- permanently.

Jamie Smart - The Little Book of Clarity : A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind download ebook TXT, DOC, FB2

Los Angeles Times""Clutter and disorganization can make even the nicest home difficult to live in.Kirkus Reviews"", NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * From Tom Brokaw, the bestselling author of The Greatest Generation, comes a powerful memoir of a year of dramatic change--a year spent battling cancer and reflecting on a long, happy, and lucky life.Real Life Heroes can be utilized as a comprehensive framework for trauma and attachment-centered therapy or as an easily adaptable resource within other comprehensive treatment programs for traumatic stress to facilitate engagement, affect modulation, attachment, desensitization, or life story work.When you are missing the floor in your walk-in closet or feel overwhelmed by just getting dressed, it's time to organize that closet.Based on a revolutionary approach to psychological health and wellness called acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this fully revised and updated second edition offers compelling new exercises to help you create the conditions for your own genuine happiness and peace of mind.Moreover, it explores this economic-security connection from a constitutional or institutional perspective, captured by the German concept of Ordnungspolitik.Lombardo defines as the complex set of mental capacities all humans possess for imagining, conceptualizing, and approaching the future.